5 Things I’ve learnt creating a travel blog…

  1. This site is essentially my ego

    It is everything I have experienced and my perception of those experiences. This is necessary when being human to facilitate a sense of self. Most of the time I try to be as aesthetic, minimalist and Buddhist as I can (but notice how many times I said I in that).

    With the ego being an innate organ of the mind, this leaves me often in conflict with my ‘self’. In creating this virtual world the process has been therapeutic, challenging and insightful. I start to see themes in myself and reflect on how far I’ve come and where I would like to go. Essentially then, I hope. Hope that by striving and refining, I will continue to foster a virtuous balance with this self that I am.

  2. How to know when you enjoy something

    The phrase “time flies when you’re having fun” is overused for a reason. It’s true. If you want to know whether you’re spending your time in a way that is fulfilling, notice if you are aware of time passing or not (catch 22 tho). If hours pass by without you even noticing, it’s a sign the task you are doing is something you enjoy. A ‘flow’ moment where you’re attention is focused completely and you forget yourself and the world.

  3. Create and nurture a hobby

    Whatever it is, if you enjoy it. Make time for it. Thoughts such as ‘I should really be doing x y z’ and ‘I don’t have time for that’ will arise. Stop. Notice this inner voice and think ‘no piss off ’ i’m going to do what I really want. Life is too damn short. Make time.

  4. Being aware of how I spend your time

    If I were to measure it, creating this site has probably converted over 100 hours of my life from mindless Netlix/social media scrolling to personal reflection and self-development. Yay!

  5. Journaling really does help you to understand yourself better

    The most challenging pages to write aren’t lengthy experiences or recaps of adventures, but these blogs. Summarising critical life events into 5 concise slithers of vast learning experiences. Finding words to express intangible transformation and self-discovery. However, in doing so - in creating my existence literarily, I first realised that the word literarily is beautiful, and secondly, that so is my story, your story and every single being’s.


5 Things I learnt in my first year of independent travel…


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