5 Things I learnt in school…
1. Working hard involves hard work
Unless you are a genius, decide to enjoy work and life becomes a whole lot easier. When I realised I was doing the work for myself, not for my teacher, my parents, or anyone else besides me, that’s when I truly became interested. Current me is very grateful to teenage me for putting in that effort. It really is true that the more effort you put in the more you get out.
2. Have a really good work playlist
Preferably without lyrics (follow the link to see the mix that got me through school)
3. There is no point bringing water into exams
It’s just a procrastination tool and if you are doing the exam correctly you won’t have time to drink anyway as you will be too busy writing till your hand feels like it’s about to fall off 😅
4. Doing well in exams involves memorising lots of facts
And that is a fact. A technique I used was simply writing out as much as I knew without looking at the textbook. Observing what I missed out and repeating. Below are the results I achieved using this simple but effective method.
5. I learnt that we are taught a fraction of the knowledge available in this world
The most valuable thing you can learn in school is curiosity. To think outside of what the government, education boards and what old dead white men want you to know. Question different perspectives, motives and theories and then determine for yourself which is most valid and useful to help you understand life.